Thursday, 6 September 2007


Being a comic book reader, how can a show about people with special powers not catch my attention? I missed a few episodes when its was aired on local cable so picking up the DVD boxset was a must for me. Cool DVD packaging for a cool show!

A pity I missed meeting 4 of the "Heroes" when they came to Singapore on tour. I so wanted to catch the smokin' Ali Larter live! Oh yah, Masi Oka too (heh).


Anonymous said...

hey dude!
where did you get this? Is it out locally? I sure hope so as I'm waiting for it for soooo long! Pls reply!

Sideswipe said...

I got it from Amazon. According to the Straits Times (31 Aug, Life! section, page 7), the local release is in October.

Jian Hong said...

wow. nice catch there, sideswipe!

nice design plus additional goodies, nice combination!

eagerly awaiting the release of this dvd boxset locally.


Sideswipe said...

I've only finished watching the first 2 discs. The deleted scenes are interesting to watch, how some of the scenes could have brought the story in a different direction.

Anonymous said...

aiyo, still got to wait for next month!