Sunday, 17 June 2007

The Mighty Thunder God

The Norse God of Thunder has always been one of my favourite Marvel Heroes & I've been wanting to get a cool Thor statue for a while. When I saw Bowen Designs' third full size statue release of the Mighty Thor, I knew that's THE ONE! What I love about this piece is the whole look, simple yet powerful. The first BD Thor statue was in a "action" type pose & the second statue was exactly the same, with the inclusion of interchangeable heads (commonly referred to as the "change-o-head" version), which made me prefer the simple look of the new one. Sky high prices of the earlier statues also left me with little choice. :P All 3 Thor statues were sculpted by the man himself, Randy Bowen.

Comparison shots with the Mad Titan, (Bowen Designs) Thanos:

Clash of the DC Titans

My first statue from DC Direct, Wonder Woman vs. Superman!
I had a few worries when I was deciding whether to pre-order this piece. One was the face sculpt of Superman reminded me of the dreadful Superman vinyl statue by Kotobukiya. The second worry was DC Direct's poor paint QC on their statues. But in the end, I thought... Heck! Two of DC's most well known Heroes going against each other? No way can I pass up on this! Beautifully sculpted by Ray Villafane (BD Sabertooth statue, SS Wolverine comiquette), based on art by Terry Dodson. My worries were unwarranted when I finally received the actual statue. Superman turned out much better than I expected, Diana was simply gorgeous & the paint was decent all round. The first thing that hit me when I picked up the statue (literally) was the weight, or lack of it to be precise. It's quite light for a statue that size, I guess it could be to prevent breakages due to its design. One of the highlights is the glossy red paint used very appropriately on WW & Supe's boots, also on Supe's chest insignia.

I was gonna display this with my Sideshow versus dioramas, but too bad the scale is smaller. Size comparison with the awesome Sideshow X-Men vs. Sentinel diorama:

& here's one for fans of Transformers:

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Giant F'ing Robots are coming!

As the arrival of the Transformers movie draws near, movie toys started to "flood" local departmental stores from June 2nd onwards. When I first saw pictures of the movie toys, only Optimus Prime caught my eye. As the others were a total departure from what their cartoon versions looked like. A lot of G1 fans were complaining about how their beloved TFs were now fugly looking Lego Bionicle rejects. I however was metally prepared, when the live movie was announced. Unless the new movie is going to be set in the 1980s & targeted at kids, no way can they keep the original look of the Transformers without them turning out like jokes in live action. If I want to see a cute Volkswagon Bumblebee or size-changing tape deck Soundwave, I can just watch the cartoons. What I want to see on the big screen are high tech looking Robots kicking ass, Michael Bay style! Ok, enough rambling. Back to the toys. My initial plan of getting just Optimus flew out the window when I came across this picture:

Now I gotta buy all those in that picture. Aargh!

...& I did (minus the "2008" Bumblebee, which is still unreleased at point of posting)

Optimus Prime





The Gang

Lastly, here's a shot of my "Blockbusters of Summer 2007" display.
(Pardon the poor-quality-handphone-taken picture)

Spidey 3

More spiders! But this time, they are 12" action figures.
Medicom released 3 RAH (Real Action Heroes) figures for the Spider-Man 3 movie, namely; (Red & Blue) Spider-Man, Black-Suited Spider-Man & Venom. After getting my hands on the cool X-Men: The Last Stand Wolverine, I pre-ordered all three figs without hesitation. As focus was on how Medicom will pull off the Spidey movie costumes for the figs, there were mixed opinions as prototype pictures surfaced. When I finally got them in May, I was quite relieved at how the final product turned out. The suits are kinda "thick" as compared to the movie counterparts, but I find that acceptable as they incorporate the cool grid texture from the real suits. However the suits' thickness do restrict movement to a certain extent, which is a waste seeing how articulated the RAH body under the suit can be.

The Marvel Team-up that we might never see on the big screen:


Venom was my least favourite when I first saw pictures of the figures. He's starting to grow on me after I got them though. However, he's kinda small when place besides the Spideys. You can see from my photos, I have to prop him up for the group shots. But it's still a heck of a cool figure by itself!

Medicom will be releasing another RAH figure from the Spider-Man 3 movie, Peter Parker. I can't wait for mine!

2 new photos with Toybiz's 18" Spider-Man of the second Spider-Man movie (26 Jun 2007):